Friday, April 12, 2019

Beginners: Feel basic things you need to know to write a script

If you have never written a script and would like to know how it is done, and do not know where to start or what you need, here are seven very basic tips that can help you.

1. An idea

One is the best source of resources : confess your imaginary infidelities, the murders you dream of, turn the public into your psychiatrist ... And write.

2. A small daily effort

If you have little time, but tweet every day, change three daily tweets for a scene .

3. A questionnaire to start with the characters

If you do not know how to get your hands on the characters, submit them to questioning .

4. A script template

5. A reference on script prices

If you are lost in the prices, in The Smart Solution there is a list (unofficial) that can guide you .

6. Know how to read a script contract

Salud Reguera , an Intellectual Property lawyer, tells you what mistakes you should not make when signing a contract .

7.  A place to register it

There are several options , with different prices: The Intellectual Property Registry of your country, the Copyright Office of the United States or Safe Creative.
And of course, read scripts and blogs about script.
Tina Fey

Thursday, April 11, 2019


We had been wanting to write an entry with guidelines and clues about how to write a novel. Especially because, when we search the internet, there are many guides that offer advice only to write a certain kind of novels: commercial ones. From Central de Escritura we want to offer an alternative vision.
For this, or we will give general keys that do not lead you towards one type or another of a novel. We have taken these tips from classic writers and, of course, from our team of creative writing teachers. They are general principles that will undoubtedly serve as a guide, especially at the beginning (writing a novel, as they say, is like exploring a deep and deep well).
Guidelines for writing a novel: prior preparation
Let's place ourselves in the moment before embarking on creative writing. While it is true that many novels have been written in this way, on the fly, it is not advisable for a beginner to jump into the ring. A text as long as a novel involves many structural problems, and sometimes a minimum prior planning can be very helpful.
Suppose you had an idea to write a book. Well, what you could do next is an outline of the characters that will appear, a general outline of the plot (if there is one) and, finally, a small technical sketch where you will specify some features: if it will be in the first person, what will be your verbal tense, if the tone will be comical or not, how will the descriptions, characters etc. be?
Having a guide and a reference when writing a novel can be decisive at times when we get stuck or do not know if we are on the right track.
Writing a novel is a physical exercise
The English writer Martin Amis, said in a youth interview that writing a novel seemed to him an exercise, literally, strenuous from the physical point of view. This simile is shared by many. Because, without a doubt, writing tires, and writing a novel over months, even more. Therefore, according to the simile, it is advisable to have adequate training.
If you do not have the habit of writing, impose an hour a day to generate a minimum continuity. You will see how little by little it becomes easier for you to write for long periods. Of course, writing a novel requires perseverance. If you leave several days, you will notice, when you write again, the stagnation of those who have lost their habit. Also, there is nothing as difficult as starting to write a book.
Therefore, write with the discipline and delivery of your usual sport.
Learn with the best
To speak of writing a novel is to speak of bigger words. Not so much for the qualitative, but for the added demands of the quantitative. A novel is a very long text that demands some kind of internal coherence. Maintaining it and knowing how to sketch the parts of the structure with solvency requires practice, tenacity and a lot of mastery of the technique. And many times what is missing are not ideas to write a book, but the knowledge of how to do it.
Therefore, an interesting way to start writing a novel is to do it under the guidance and tutelage of a teacher. James Joyce as a teacher of Beckett and Svevo, for example. Here, in Central de Escritura, we have a literary workshop focused on the writing of novels. It is given by Jaime Mesa, author of Alfaguara, who enjoys international prestige. The novel writing course includes a theoretical part, as well as exercises. Another interesting element: it lasts nine months, period in which the student can be, at all times, in contact with the teacher and develop their own project.
The guide and the tutelage of someone experienced in writing novels, can be a fundamental first step to consolidate some patterns of writing and stylistic keys.
Some common mistakes when writing a novel
In this section we will review some common errors -of a very general and orientative type- when writing a novel. It must be considered, in the field of literature, that every norm can be subverted, and that sometimes literary greatness can be found in texts with "technical" errors. Well, technique is not everything: but a necessary part. Some of these tips are taken from the literary critic James Wood, others from our teachers.
Confuse narrator and writer : Unless the tone is purely metaliterary, when a fictional narrator speaks, we must watch to maintain its internal coherence. Sometimes, an overabundance of observations, or too many explanations by the narrator himself, can enrarecer the naturalness of fiction. A classic example is found in novels in which, suddenly, the author begins to lecture the reader, producing a sudden and strange distance with the narration.
Superaddivivation and baroqueism : The greatness of style does not consist in searching for elaborate words and using complex syntaxes. Try to stay at a language level that you control, or that you know you can control in the long haul. We must disregard the unconscious desire to please the reader. Many times, this desire can lead us to add an excess of adjectives in the text, bombastic words, etc. Such choices are not wrong when writing a novel, but if they are not developed with technical knowledge they can go wrong.
Harmony in tone and structure : Long-distance texts have a problem of temporary dilation. As one can be months writing a novel, it is especially difficult to maintain throughout the text a tone unit, and in general the structural unit. Perhaps a few happy weeks took us to write comic passages, and then the blackest melancholy took us to dark descriptions. We must know how to harmonize the text of the novel so that its modulations are functional and credible for the reader.
Laziness : Writing a novel is a long-term creative task: it requires dedication and perseverance. Leaving it "for tomorrow" is one of the worst mistakes a writer can make.
These would be some guidelines for writing a novel. We invite you to leave your comments, with contributions, opinions ... Well, from the experience of each one, we can pick up other interesting writing guidelines.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Your own Wikipedia: online spaces where you can create your own wiki

On the Internet you can share everything you want, and that includes knowledge. Would you like to have your own Wikipedia? Is easier than it looks like.

Wikipedia is the fifth most visited internet portal in the world, behind the Google and Baidu search engines, the Facebook social network and the YouTube video portal.
What makes Wikipedia so popular ? It is very complete, it grows every day, it is nourished by the knowledge of hundreds of people from all over the world, it is free and it is in practically all languages (295 to be exact). It saw the light in 2001 and since then it has become the main source of consultation for students and teachers.
One of the pillars that Wikipedia has made what it is is its technical structure , what we call wiki. From the Hawaiian wiki (fast), a wiki is (according to Wikipedia itself) "a site whose pages can be edited directly from the browser , where users create, modify or delete content that, generally, they share".
In short, the wiki allows you to create a team page easily, without requiring advanced technical knowledge. In addition, that page grows and adapts to our needs also with relative ease.
Creating a wiki can be very practical for any area : for your department or company, for your class, for your school, institute or university, for your football or basketball team, for your reading club or to share with the worldall that You know about video games, your favorite literary saga or your favorite film director, to name a few examples.
Let's see some services available on the network that will help you find and create a wiki in a short time and comfortably, so you only have to worry about the content you want to include and with whom you are going to collaborate.


From Wikia we have spoken before, in particular when I recommended some alternatives to Wikipedia for queries .
Currently, Wikia is better known as Fandom and offers the possibility of creating a wiki to talk about video games, books, movies ... In short, any hobby or hobby that you are passionate about.
Creating a wiki with Wikia is very easy, it allows you to customize the pages in detail and any content you want to include has a place in your wiki: text, images, videos ...
Also, if you want the wiki to be public, it will be visible from Google and other search engines as well as from the Wikia / Fandom search engine itself.


If you are looking for a more professional option, Wikidot has several types of user accounts, free or paid, to cover all fronts: personal wiki, public wiki, private wiki, for companies, for educational entities ...
Like Wikia, Wikidot does not require knowledge of HTML, PHP or JavaScript. Your editor is designed to fill out forms and press buttons, without the need to write code or install anything.
The free account allows you to create up to 5 different sites of 300MB each. As in any wiki, you can customize the design of the pages and content modules that you want to place in each of them.


Its leaders consider it "the simplest way to create a Markdown wiki". Its name is Torchpad and it will allow you to design your own Wikipedia for any type of content easily.
As for the Markdown , it is a simpler and more agile way to format a text. Once you've tried it, there's no going back.
Leaving the edition of texts aside, Torchpad is also very practical in the design of the wiki, connecting pages to each other. In addition, it facilitates teamwork to write pages between two or more people.


Another professional option, similar to Wikidot, is PBWorks , which offers several page hosting services, among which the wiki stands out.
Through a free or paid account, you can design your own wiki for personal use, for your company or for your educational center.
Among its features, it supports all types of content (text, files, images), is accessible from any desktop or mobile platform, facilitates group work and does not require technical knowledge.
The free account supports up to 15 internal and 5 external users, create 5 wikis and 50MB of available space.


The four examples I have recommended are designed to create a wiki and have it online in a matter of minutes. Easy, fast and comfortable.
But maybe you want to save your own wiki on an external server or your property. In that case, there is a lot of software but the original is the one that MediaWiki offers .
If you want to use the content manager that uses Wikipedia, from MediaWiki you can download it and install it in your own space or server. Of course, you will need some technical knowledge , although it has instructions and some hosting services automate the task for you.

Pro Wiki Creators

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

How To Have Your Own Style When Writing a Script

Why can we differentiate the scripts of Woody Allen, Aaron Sorkin or Tarantino when we see them? Because they have their own style of writing. How do you create your own style? What does it depend on? Today we will see how to create our own style when writing a script .

And if you want to learn to write scripts and you need a method to guide you, there are the courses of the screenwriters platform. You already know that for a subscription you have access to all. Today it 's new class of course Thriller Guion that we will see the Thriller research . The thrillers of investigation and mystery are one of the most popular since they began with the black movies and have a great list of classics as we will see in class today.

On Saturdays we continue with the course of TV Contests . This week's class will help you understand what the phases and rounds that we must define when creating the mechanics of a contest are. We are already clarifying all the concepts that help you create your own format and in the last class we will take the final step.

And thanks for the welcome of the new Story Generator focused on series . I hope that those who have already acquired it, you are enjoying it a lot. I remind you that in addition to being able to buy it alone it is included in an offer pack with the series planner that has a discount of $ 4. With that you have the complete pack to create your own series.

I would also like to thank Jacobo Feijoo for his mention in the article on bookgames and interactive series made by the newspaper El País in its Verne section . They mentioned to Guiones and scriptwriters for the podcast on Interactive series in which he talked about interactive cinema.

The writing style in a script
A script is a work tool. A script will be read by the team members and will be the basis for building the film. But later, when the film is produced, your work as a scriptwriter will be invisible and everything will be judged by how the final result is. Even so the script has a value in itself, and whoever reads it must receive, even tangentially, the person behind it, the scriptwriter . And this will be achieved if the scriptwriter has a style of his own.

Although there are more and more readers of your script and its reading is no longer limited to people who decide if a film is produced and those who shoot it later. Each time more scripts are published so it is possible that your script reaches the internet and is read by people who want to see how it is written out of curiosity or to learn from it or even for its own literary value.

That is why we must cultivate a narrative voice of our own as screenwriters that shows our sensitivity as authors. A voice that is reflected in everything we write, that is perceived by how we write the descriptions and dialogues and how we distribute the texts throughout the script. That voice is given by our style and you have to find it in our writing process.

Through your style as a screenwriter you can show not only your personality as a writer, but how you want that film to be shot. With the writing of the text you can insinuate when a general plan or a detailed plan would be fine, when you imagine a short plan and when you have visualized a sequence plan. Obviously, the final product will depend on the director, but it is up to you to give your staging proposal.

When the scriptwriter who writes a text is also going to direct it, sciences are allowed licenses that a scriptwriter who seeks director will not do it. It is normal. Anyone who has read a Tarantino script knows this. Also the consecrated scriptwriters have the experience and hierarchy to skip some script writing rules without fear of criticizing their professionalism.

But beginning writers must follow certain rules that show that they know the trade. I already talked about how to write with the standard script format and how to avoid novice mistakes . That does not mean that beginning writers should not find their own writing style.

Today we will see how with very practical examples thanks to some of the guidelines given by Philip Parker in his script manual How to write the perfect script .

How to create your own style in a script
Read existing scripts
To find your own style, the first thing is to recognize the style in others. In the same way that nobody launches to write a novel without having read many before, we should not start writing a script without having seen others before. Now there are hundreds on the internet, it's not an excuse.

See how great writers write their texts and show their own style serves as learning to develop our own . We can copy resources and alien elements that we like. If we do not know how to write something in a script we can think of a movie that has made a similar scene and search for its script online. We would be surprised of the scripts that there are where you can consult your PDF.

The first page
With the first page many scriptwriters take their licenses. One of the rules when writing a script is to maintain a certain economy in writing. It's the first thing novelists learn when they write scripts. They must write with an economy of language both in the writing of dialogues, reducing the unnecessary ones, as in the writing of the descriptions.

But in the first pages many scriptwriters take licenses in writing with the intention of showing their style . They write in a more suggestive way, with internal thoughts, indicating norms or interpretations of what we will see later in the script. Afterwards they do not do it anymore, but they have already shown something of their style that they want to review.

We have a clear example on the second page of the script by Logan , Scott Frank & James Mangold and Michael Green. Nominated for best script adapted in the oscars.

style"Now could be a good time to talk about the" fights "described in  the next 100 pages or more. Basically, if you're thinking of a hyper choreographed, defying gravity, destroying cities, the typical DC action marathon, this is not your movie.

In this movie, people will be hurt or killed when the shit falls on them. They will receive the same damage or death when hit with something big and heavy like, say, a car. If someone in our history has the misfortune to fall from a roof or a window, they will not bounce. They will die.

As for our hero with his so-called eternal and healing life. Well, now he's older. If you keep reading, you will discover that Logan is about to kick his ass. But before we get to that, we should make it clear that their skills are not what they were. Yes, he is a drunkard, but he is also fading inside. Adamantium implant implants in your system, causing chronic diseases. Pain and decreased healing, therefore, alcohol as an analgesic.

So of course, go and worry about him. Now where were we ... Oh yes ... "

And so, once the script style they want to make clear in the script, they continue with the script. This text they have written is not for the spectators, because they will see only the finished product, it is for the agents, studio executives, producers, actors and other members of the team. And that the director is one of the writers also has to do with having written a text that explains how the screenplay will be displayed.

Writing plans and shots in a script
As I mentioned earlier in other programs, camera descriptions are no longer written in scripts as in the past . This is due to two reasons, on the one hand that the directors see it as an intrusion to their work, and on the other, that the script readers feel that the distance from the text and hinders their emotional connection with the work.

But that we can not write camera descriptions directly does not mean that we do not think of them and that we can not write them indirectly. How we write them is also a way to show our own style.

We must think about what takes or plane corresponds to the description of the image we see on the screen. And from there think about moving that take to paper following some techniques.

Each descriptive paragraph is equivalent to a single shot.
The extension of the paragraph indicates the duration of the shot.
That is, if I write: "The desk of the writer's office is a complete chaos" . I am suggesting a quick take that shows the mess of the table.

But if I write: "Several stained coasters are stacked next to the scriptwriter's computer. In the rest of the table there are magazines piled up without control, remains of pizza on a box, sheets with drawings, some sunglasses with a broken lens, a removable hard drive, the wallet, an ashtray with several finished cigarettes and several pencils of colors "... then I am suggesting a longer shot, even this text could inspire the director to use a traveling to show all the content.

The disposition of the paragraphs indicates the cuts. For example:
"The GUIONISTA circulates by bicycle along the promenade, passing in front of some red flags. There is nobody in the street. The scriptwriter crosses with A YOUNG MAN with an inflatable flamenco-style float that walks in the opposite direction. The young woman continues her journey without noticing the screenwriter on a bicycle. The cyclist stops in front of some stairs that go to the beach. Hook the bike to a lamppost with a chain and go down the stairs. "

Written in this way, it follows that it is a single shot, probably made from a fixed plane. Another writing option is to film it in three different shots:

"The GUIONISTA circulates by bicycle along the promenade, passing in front of some red flags. There is nobody in the street."

"The scriptwriter crosses with A YOUNG MAN with an inflatable flamenco-style float that walks in the opposite direction. The young woman continues her journey without paying attention to the scriptwriter in bicycle. "

"The cyclist stops in front of some stairs that go to the beach. Hook the bike to a lamppost with a chain and go down the stairs. "

The first paragraph describes the promenade and the cyclist walking through it. The second indicates the crossing with the young woman. And the third the descent of the bicycle, its tied and the departure of the scriptwriter. In the end the director will decide if he records it in one shot or in three, but we as scriptwriters can divide it into paragraphs and give the information little by little, in order to show the place first or give emphasis to the young woman with whom he crosses or tied to the bicycle if afterwards they are going to steal it, for example.

The proximity of the shot is deduced from the degree of detail of the description. For example:
A group of writers on bicycles approach the horizon.

It is a wide and far shot made with a general plane.

The first screenwriter has a tear in his eyes.

It is a close-up or detail shot.

The two writers make a photo smiling at the photographer

It is a medium plane.

The description of the action can induce the movement of the camera. For example:
"The scriptwriter moves among the crowd. His face disappears when he is squeezed by the multitude of bodies.

The scriptwriter passes in front of a row of people

An old man, who smiles ...

... a young couple with elegant hats ...

... a woman with a baby who screams ...

... and a little girl who almost tripped out of the crowd. "

The previous implies a series of cuts and a camera that moves following the scriptwriter.

The description of the scenes.
The style of a screenwriter is also demonstrated in how he uses the descriptions in his scenes. The most important elements that can be included in the descriptions of the scenes are:

A description of the location : Make it simple, economical and hint at the screenwriter's style.
Who is in the scene and when it is shown to the public: We must describe the characters of the scene only as they appear on the screen.
The appearance of the characters : Only if the aspect has changed since the last scene. They must be described with economy of language and being clear in their attitude, either by their body language or by their way of speaking.
The action of the scene: it must reflect the rhythm of the scene and transmit something that is not in the dialogues. It also expresses the expressions and intentions of the characters through looks and gestures.
The dialogue.
Dialogue is another of the important ways in which a scriptwriter can influence the style of a script. Normally it is the last thing a scriptwriter works, when it is already clear what happens in each scene. And it must be judged in conjunction with the rest, because it has to be balanced with the images proposed by the descriptions.

The scriptwriter can use the dialogues in an integral way, showing the people who speak them, but he can also show them off, without seeing the source from which they come, recorded in some mechanism, or as fragments that come together creating a speech . Those who are interested in improving your dialogues I remind you that there is a Course of dialogues in the Platform of Scriptwriters and scriptwriters. It has 10 lessons and will help you write and rewrite the dialogues of your characters.

The rhythm and the tempo.
The style of a screenwriter is also reflected in the rhythm and tempo of the narrative. Although one of the elements that most influence the rhythm of a film is its genre, the scriptwriter must print its own imprint. This will be done by means of the length of the scenes and their intensity.

If we are in a genre of action, it is normal for a chase to be full of short and fast scenes that print a fast rhythm. The scriptwriter must understand the genre he is managing, but he must also give his own style. And of course you must balance the very intense scenes with others of transition as the narration asks.

The tone.
The tone is one of the elements where the best scriptwriter can show his style. The same story can be told in a comedy, tragedy or drama tone. The scriptwriter must decide the tone of the story and show it throughout his writing, both in the descriptions and in the dialogues . The idea is that the script reader understands the tone of the film in all the scenes and find the nuances within that tone, because there are many types of comedy and each screenwriter can find his own style.

And with that I finish today's podcast in which we have seen how to have your own style when writing a script. And if you liked it, I would appreciate comments and ratings on Itunes , Ivoox or Youtube . Or that you share this podcast through social networks. And of course to thank those who subscribe to the courses of screenwriters and scriptwriters that help the podcast is maintained. We will be together on Tuesdays and Thursdays with new techniques, strategies and analysis so that we all learn to be better writers.

Pro Wiki Creators - Professional Wikipedia Creators

Monday, April 8, 2019

How to write a movie script and die a bit in the attempt

Would you like to write a short film or a feature film and then, maybe, shoot it? Writing a film script has its complexity, and therefore it is convenient to approach the task calmly and with a certain methodology. In this article I am going to let you know the processthat professionals usually follow to write their film scripts. 

It is a process that consists of several phases , in each of which the work is worked with a greater level of detail than in the previous phase. They are the following: 

1. The initial idea

The first step you should take to write your script is to get an idea that is attractive to you and that impels you to put yourself to work. As an idea you can serve a peculiar character , an invented place , a news read in the press , an experience of its own, a topic ... 

For example, if you have always liked detective stories, your idea could be, simply, to write a script that tells how someone tries to solve a mystery. 

If you can not think of anything to write about, do not worry: you can get ideas from many places. Here are some creativity techniques that will be useful to you. 

It is important that this initial idea points to a script whose passage to the screen is viable . For example, if what you have thought is to tell a futuristic story, with its spaceships and robots, you have to bear in mind that the cost of producing the film will be high, with the problems that this will entail. On the other hand, if you tell a story that takes place in your neighborhood, the production will be much more affordable. 

2. The logline

The next step is, starting from this initial idea, to begin to specify a story. For now, it will be enough for you to fix its basic elements: who will be the protagonist , what the action will be in broad strokes where and when it will pass, what tone will it have ... 

For example: starting from the idea of ​​telling a detective story , you could decide that the story will deal with the investigation of the strange deaths that are taking place in a nursing home. The protagonist will be one of the elders. The action will take place at the beginning of the 90s, simply because at that time you worked a few months in a day center for older people and you could see how everything worked. 

This first development of your initial idea can be translated into a logline : a short paragraph, of one, two or three sentences, in which the story is concreted before starting to work on it. The previous paragraph, the one that is in green, if we arrange it a little, we would be worth as logline. The logline will help you to be clear at all times what story you are going to tell, which will prevent you from dispersing during the following phases. You have detailed information on how to write a logline and some examples in this article . 

3. The plot and the characters

Once we are clear about what the script will be, we will proceed to work on the plot , that is, the facts that make up the story. An argument can be more or less complex: it can consist of a single line of action, but also two lines of action that advance in parallel, or even in a whole network of lines of action, for example. 

In any case, the recommendable thing in this phase is to write a plot synopsis: a summary of a page that explains, without going into details, the argument from beginning to end. For example, for the history of the investigation of the deaths in the nursing home, the first lines of the plot synopsis could be these: 

Ernestino, a retired man with mobility problems, is interned by his nephew in a geriatric of the periphery. Just installed, an old woman who seems to suffer from senile dementia babbles that in this residence people die and that she will be next. The next morning, Ernestino witnesses how some nurses remove a lifeless body from one of the rooms, which turns out to be that of the old woman. Throughout the day, Ernestino finds out that three of the residents have already died during the month, none of whom, in principle, had serious health problems ... 

The plot synopsis is useful because, among other things, it allows us to maneuver with the argument (for example, it allows us to exchange the order of two events) without having to deal with the bulk of the narrative. Here you have an article in which I explain what it is, what it is for and how to write a plot synopsis with complete example included. 

At the same time that the argument is worked, the characters are also worked on Argument and characters form a unit: as a character is characterized, it will be likely or not to perform a certain action, and conversely, depending on how we want a character to act so that the story advances where we are interested, it will have to be characterized in a certain way, and not in another. 

professional Wikipedia experts

For example, if we make Ernestino go in a wheelchair, he will not be able to perform certain actions, such as going down the stairs to the basement. In the same way, but in the opposite direction, if history asks us that Ernestino can not escape from the residence just like that (for example, by jumping through a window into the garden), it might be better for us to go in a wheelchair or have limited mobility for any other reason. 

4. The runway

Now that we have the story to tell, we will decide how to tell it. For this, what we will do is divide the argument into scenes . A scene is a block of narration in which the action takes place in the same scenario and in a continuous time. 

An example that you will immediately recognize: in the movie Titanic , which you have surely seen, all the action that takes place in the forward railing to the three-quarters of an hour of film (the two protagonists meet at sunset, they climb to the railing, they lean and put their arms in a cross as if they were flying, and finally they kiss) it's the same scene. 

A list of scenes with which we plan the story we call history escaletaIt is advisable to include as few scenes in the scene as possible. If instead of telling something in two scenes we can tell in one, that we will win. 

For example, the beginning of the story of Ernestino we could count on the following scenes: one would take place outside the residence, when Ernestino arrives at her accompanied by his nephew; another, at the reception, when you register; another, in the room assigned to him, when installed in it; another, in the dining room, during dinner, which will be when the old woman speaks to her; another, again, in his room, when he goes to bed depressed; another, the next morning, in the corridor, when he witnesses how the nurses take the corpse of the old woman; etc. If we saw that we can do without any of them (the reception, for example), we would eliminate it. 

In the runway we will use to decide the orderof the scenes in the narrative: we can narrate the events in chronological order, but we can also break this order: start by showing a scene from the end of the story or count some events in retrospective, for example. If the argument consists of several lines of action, we can set the interleaving order of their respective scenes. 

If you wish, you can read more about how to work a runway . 

5. The literary script

Finally, in the literary script we will narrate the story in sufficient detail and in the appropriate format so that it can be taken to the screen without problems. The narrative should be audiovisual , that is, everything we have, even if we do it in text, will have to be visible or audible. Of course, at no time we will give technical indications for the realization of the film (plane sizes, frames, camera movements, etc.). That's what the director of the film will do when she writes the technical script . 

For example, the sixth scene of the scenario of the previous example we could write it in the following way: INT. RESIDENCE / HALL OF THE FIRST FLOOR - DAY

ERNESTINO leaves his room in his wheelchair. As you turn the corner of the hall, you see that there are some RESIDENTS in front of the open door of one of the rooms. Ernestino approaches, looks into the room and I saw how some NURSES are putting a body on a stretcher. 

What happened? 

Mrs. Lola ...
The nurses take the stretcher out the door. On the stretcher, covered with a sheet, goes an inert body. Ernestino sees that underneath the sheet a gray hair braid appears. 
The format in which the literary scripts are written is standardized. For each scene, it is written: 1) a scene header, in which the action is informed where and when ; 2) a text written in the present in which the scenario is described (only if necessary) and theaction that takes place in that scene is reported; 3) one or more paragraphs of dialogue

And with this you would have your script! Obviously, this has been just a general explanation of the process of writing a script, and I have not stopped to detail the specific technique of each phase. You can deepen them by following the links I have included. 

I just sent (23-10-2018) to the subscription list a PDF with a real case of using this method in the writing of a script: that of a well-known film. If you want to read it, join the literary army of Taller de Escritores and you will get a link so you can download it.