What a librarian documentarian should, in my opinion, not do. According to an Australian blog and newspaper, a colleague from the Australian Library of Parliament did so, sending e-mails urging Australian MPs and senators to change their own biography in Wikipedia, with instructions for doing so. . She justified this by explaining that it is her job to help her "clients" to use ICT. She did not, however, deny having made the "edits" herself, but did not deny having written and sent this "cleaning" guide for Wikipedia.
To learn more, read:
The Original Info on an Australian Political Information Blog: Federal MP's Tutored In The Art of Cleansing Their Wikipedia Entry / Andrew Landeryou , The Other Cheek July 22, 2008
Politicians' Wiki entries altered / Asher Moses, Sidney Morning Herald July 25, 2008 [ 1 ]
Aussie politicians edit Wikipedia , Australian Associated Press July 25, 2008
more on http: //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User T ... .
It should be noted that Wikipedia has rules for authors on Wikipedia and that they establish that the articles must respect a neutral point of view and avoid conflicts of interest, our colleague having cited these rules only what suited him. Here's what she should * also * quote:
"Biographical material must be written with the greatest care and attention to verifiability, neutrality and avoiding original research, especially if it is contentious. " [ 2 ]
" All Wikipedia articles and other encyclopedic content must be written from a neutral point of view, representing significant views fairly, proportionately, and without bias. " [ 3 ]
" Do not edit Wikipedia to Promote your own interests, or other Those of Individuals, companies, or groups, UNLESS you are sure que la interests of Wikipedia REMAIN paramount. " [ 4 ]
"Avoid writing or editing an article about yourself, other than to correct unambiguous errors of fact. [...] Writing autobiographies is discouraged because it is difficult to write a neutral, verifiable autobiography and there are many pitfalls. " [ 5 ]
" If Wikipedia already HAS an item about you, it is difficulty to write neutrally and Objectively about oneself (unconscious Biases). You should let others others do the writing. Contributing material or making suggestions on the article is considered proper - let independent editors write it into the article itself or approve it if you still want to make the changes yourself. " [ 6 ]
Even though her employer asked her to write this "guide", she seems to me to have been "used" and to be, on an ethical level, a bit beyond her job. In my opinion, instead, and without even invoking the ethics of her profession, she could have:
quote the rules of Wikipedia, as I did above, and explain the spirit
to explain the media danger and the inanity of such efforts in the medium and long term, any repetitive or massive "edit" contest being often spotted and erased in the process, and sometimes publicly denounced. However any anonymous modification (it is generally the case) on Wikipedia is systematically "logged" with the IP address of the editor, one can thus often easily identify the structure [ 7 ] for which the unscrupulous writers work, in particular, for those not registered, since the invention of WikiScanner . for the registered, one has the list of all their modif 'and there also it speaks ....
post on a blog to attract Internet users to "good" pages.
Hope you have found the article interesting and worth reading. Let me now bring you attention towards Wikipedia experts for hire where you can get wikipedia services from. Yes, these days you need an identity on wikipedia for your fans to know you.
Hire Wikipedia page creators writers editors in affordable rates. Visit prowikicreators.com and place your order. We are an excellent firm to hire wikipedia experts from.
Friday, July 26, 2019
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Who writes Wikipedia articles on legal publishers?
There are times, reading some Wikipedia articles on certain companies or sectors, one wonders who could write them. Their language is so much like institutional communication or even advertising ...
For example, Wikipedia article about Wolters Kluwer group .
Well, who created it initially? Wikipedia has a history of all changes to an article . So here it is an anonymous IP address that first wrote this article on October 28, 2005.
We note that in the initial version of this article, writes: "Our [I underline] products span the full range of traditional and electronic publishing". Ah good.
It should also be noted that all the contributions of only cover two topics: the professional edition (articles Wolters Kluwer therefore, but also Professional Edition, Pearson, Thomson) and the legal sector (articles Avocat ( profession), Chief Justice, Clerk). And wish, by chance, the article Professional Edition was created by this same . And for, there are only two major players in the legal and tax publishing world : WK and LexisNexis, of course. Ah good.
Not so anonymous, the IP address. A little tour on an IP address resolver (IP resolver) and we learn that it corresponds to the gateway.croner.co.uk server . Or croner.co.uk is the site of a British brand of Wolters Kluwer , specializing in HR and health and safety. So it is an employee WK UK, with a level of very correct French certainly, who wrote the sheet on his group. Ah good.
Add that the contrast is striking with the sobriety of articles Dalloz , LGDJ or LexisNexis - article which, in parentheses, forgets to name Wolters Kluwer as one of its main competitors ... In the history of this article , no anonymous contributions calling investigation.
We can stop there, right?
Do not infer as far as Wikipedia is 99% biased. Just that on certain subjects (companies, politicians, controversial / ideological subjects, etc.), the articles of WP are to be taken with tweezers and a certain critical spirit. And that the big international legal publishers look after their communication.
Moreover, there are a lot of companies or individuals like celebrities, politicians or business owners who keep looking for someone who is able enough to create a wikipedia page for them or their company. I would suggest such people to lookout for Wikipedia editors for hire if they really are willing to get a wiki page created. Or they can directly get in touch with Prowikicreators.com.
For example, Wikipedia article about Wolters Kluwer group .
Well, who created it initially? Wikipedia has a history of all changes to an article . So here it is an anonymous IP address that first wrote this article on October 28, 2005.
We note that in the initial version of this article, writes: "Our [I underline] products span the full range of traditional and electronic publishing". Ah good.
It should also be noted that all the contributions of only cover two topics: the professional edition (articles Wolters Kluwer therefore, but also Professional Edition, Pearson, Thomson) and the legal sector (articles Avocat ( profession), Chief Justice, Clerk). And wish, by chance, the article Professional Edition was created by this same . And for, there are only two major players in the legal and tax publishing world : WK and LexisNexis, of course. Ah good.
Not so anonymous, the IP address. A little tour on an IP address resolver (IP resolver) and we learn that it corresponds to the gateway.croner.co.uk server . Or croner.co.uk is the site of a British brand of Wolters Kluwer , specializing in HR and health and safety. So it is an employee WK UK, with a level of very correct French certainly, who wrote the sheet on his group. Ah good.
Add that the contrast is striking with the sobriety of articles Dalloz , LGDJ or LexisNexis - article which, in parentheses, forgets to name Wolters Kluwer as one of its main competitors ... In the history of this article , no anonymous contributions calling investigation.
We can stop there, right?
Do not infer as far as Wikipedia is 99% biased. Just that on certain subjects (companies, politicians, controversial / ideological subjects, etc.), the articles of WP are to be taken with tweezers and a certain critical spirit. And that the big international legal publishers look after their communication.
Moreover, there are a lot of companies or individuals like celebrities, politicians or business owners who keep looking for someone who is able enough to create a wikipedia page for them or their company. I would suggest such people to lookout for Wikipedia editors for hire if they really are willing to get a wiki page created. Or they can directly get in touch with Prowikicreators.com.
Monday, July 22, 2019
What is a wiki and how does it work?
A tool to help employees participate in the intranet
Wikis are these web sites where everyone can create or edit pages, and add comments at the bottom of the page. We talk a lot about it. Especially for association websites, or documentary intranets ...
Wiki: what is it?
The most famous of them is the
Wikipedia project , a
free encyclopedia (in other words, free and freely
reusable) which has proved a fairly good degree of reliability, even if its articles do not reach the level of completeness,
expertise and details of the Britannica or
the Universalis (an example of the still lighter side of
Wikipedia with the article " Law ").
Many advantages and some disadvantages
But who knows that it is relatively easy to create a wiki [ 3 ] - and even easier to create or modify a page of a wiki - or that wikis make it easy for employees to update intranets ? Moreover, the visual appearance (the "graphic chart") of the wiki can be put in the colors and logos of any organization.
The only limitations of wiki:
the syntax a little odd for the regulars of Word. So, to get fat , you have to write __gras__ at CraoWki and '' 'fat' '' at MediaWiki (see below for the syntax of MediaWiki). The advantage of this syntax is that any web browser can edit a wiki site. Wikis are independent of the software used on the authors' computers. Anyway, some wikis have a WYSIWYG text editor with Word style icons, either as standard as the Centraldesktop paid and hosted software or by adding a plug-in, like TWiki
it is essential to have a facilitator who initiates the process and maintains the dynamics of the group? This point is underlined by all the articles quoted below
the lack of hierarchy of the authors and their contributions supposes an administrator to organize after the event the articles and to structure the wiki site and its rubrics.
Wiki: how to do it?
" How to do ? You will tell me. Quick, some simple guides.
- The philosophy, the approach, the utility, the advantages, the problems:
a good synthesis: The wikis sites, new collaborative work tools / Michèle Battisti (report of a workshop organized by the ADBS on September 28, 2004 and led by François Olléon and Jean Michel), Documentalist-Information Science flight. 41 n ° 4-5 October 2004 p. 278-280
written by a documentalist for documentalists and published on the remarkable LLRX site : Using a Wiki for Documentation and Collaborative
Authoring by Michael Angeles
Blogs and wikis: You have to use them! / Gilles Balmisse, specialist in watchkeeping and knowledge management, now consultant (Knowldege Consult), Professional IT n ° 234 May 2005 p. 20 (2nd part of the article, the first one about blogs)
Wiki, the pinnacle of the collaborative / team of the Journal du Net, Journal of Management, November 2003. This article deals mainly with the development experience of two wikis at Cetelem, supervised by Charles Népote.
- Technical and practical aspects, how to install a wiki, how to use it:
Wiki In One Minute (a page of WikiWikiWeb, the first wiki site, created by Walt Cunningham, an American developer who created the first wiki software in 1995)
Wiki Getting Started FAQ : basic questions and answers about Wikis and how they work (WikiWikiWeb)
more detailed: Presentation Generic Wikis / Christophe Ducamp, with PowerPoint and PDF versions of his presentation of June 1, 2004 at the National School of Roads and Bridges
Be operational with the wiki software MediaWiki, for example to enrich or update an article in the Wikipedia encyclopedia: the rules for starting with MediaWiki and the detailed syntax for MediaWiki.
- Get started!
practice * without any danger * in ... a "sandbox", ie a training ground, for example that of Wikini wiki or that of its competitor MediaWiki!
choose your wiki thanks to Framasoft's articles on wiki software, there is a choice or with the detailed comparisons of the Wikimatrix website
If you want a wiki whose internal workings and documentation are in French, with a correct French community, and you are an informed user, it's xWiki you need
if you want a wiki for the internal needs of a company, you need password-protected wikis and preferably different levels of access (more details on our brief ):
for limited needs, with free hosting: pbwiki
TWiki : an open source wiki software, free, focused on collaborative intranets and thus finely managing access levels
If you need to know more about the creation of a wiki page or if you yourself are need it you can go for wikipedia page creators for hire and get your page created. I will suggest you to get in touch with Prowikicreators.com and start your work today.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Troje: concept, synonyms and examples of use
The word " troje ", also known as "troj" or "troja" refers to a place separated by partitions that is used to store agricultural products such as fruits or cereals. The same can have other meanings in different countries of Latin America or Spain, although they are always related to storage.
The Royal Spanish Academy recognizes only the word "troj", which defines it as a space delimited by partitions to store fruits or cereals. In this case, as in others, the "e" falls because the sound that precedes it results from a consonant that may be in the final position of a Spanish word. Otherwise, the "e" stays to protect the consonant.
Pixabay.com Font
In Mexico and Peru a "troje" is a wooden shed used to store things. In the case of the Central American country, reference is also made to a very large basket made of pipe or otate (variety of bamboo) used to store corn or seeds.
In Colombia it is called "troja" and is a table made of wood used to lay dishes and other kitchen utensils. It is also a support for plants to grow straight and their fruits do not touch the ground.
For its part, in Chile a "troja" is a hole in the ground that was dug by the ancient communities of Atacama and that was destined for the storage of fresh food.
The same was covered with fine, clean sand and this technique was so effective that the food could be kept there for six months. The best known worldwide are the "trojas de Jere", located in the homonymous stream, in the middle of the Atacama desert.
Finally, in Uruguay a "troja" is also a place to store field things, although it is also known as "much" and its use is given in everyday speech, being of vulgar use.
How is the "troje" depend on what is stored and the budget that you have to build it. There are some that are modest but others are based on large structures that can be properly conditioned to preserve an ideal temperature for the preservation of fresh products.
To the action of keeping the troj the products are called "entrojar" or "atrojar".
However, for more guidance you can get in touch with our team of writers. We provide wikipedia writers for hire for those who are willing to get their Wikipedia pages created.
1 Synonyms
2 Examples of use
3 References
Some words similar to "troj" are, "troje", "troja", "warehouse", "deposit", "granary", "silo", "cellar", "attic", "hórreo", "galleon", " panera »,« hayloft »,« chamber »,« henhouse »,« pantry ».
Examples of use
- «Once the harvest is finished, the grain must be thrown into the barn».
- «Entrojando the fruits in the right place you get an optimal conservation of the product».
- «I finish collecting the cereals and the cereals».
- "Have you already saved the fruits on the troj?"
- «In that tiny barn we enter our small production».
- «In the harvests of previous years I harvested the fruits in a bigger space but after the crisis I had to shrink».
- «In your place I would spoil the products so that they do not remain outside of the thieves».
- «I built a big piece of wood to store the cereal».
- «I have a piece of clothing to give to charity».
- «The tomato plants are already gaining height. We must place the troja.
- «Where are the cereals? Search the troj »
- «Take a piece of mate».
- «I was able to repair the troja of the kitchen. Now we can put the dishes back on it ».
- «I bought in the market a wicker basket large enough to carry the vegetables for the house».
- «An unusual technique of roasting the meat is by digging a troja and placing the embers there next to the food. Cover and let it rest for a whole day. "
Troj. (2019). Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy. Retrieved from: dle.rae.es
Melvyn C. Resnick. (1981). «Introduction to the history of the Spanish language» . Retrieved from: books.google.al
Trojas de Jere. «An oasis in the middle of Atacama» . Recovered from: eltoconar.cl
The Royal Spanish Academy recognizes only the word "troj", which defines it as a space delimited by partitions to store fruits or cereals. In this case, as in others, the "e" falls because the sound that precedes it results from a consonant that may be in the final position of a Spanish word. Otherwise, the "e" stays to protect the consonant.
Pixabay.com Font
In Mexico and Peru a "troje" is a wooden shed used to store things. In the case of the Central American country, reference is also made to a very large basket made of pipe or otate (variety of bamboo) used to store corn or seeds.
In Colombia it is called "troja" and is a table made of wood used to lay dishes and other kitchen utensils. It is also a support for plants to grow straight and their fruits do not touch the ground.
For its part, in Chile a "troja" is a hole in the ground that was dug by the ancient communities of Atacama and that was destined for the storage of fresh food.
The same was covered with fine, clean sand and this technique was so effective that the food could be kept there for six months. The best known worldwide are the "trojas de Jere", located in the homonymous stream, in the middle of the Atacama desert.
Finally, in Uruguay a "troja" is also a place to store field things, although it is also known as "much" and its use is given in everyday speech, being of vulgar use.
How is the "troje" depend on what is stored and the budget that you have to build it. There are some that are modest but others are based on large structures that can be properly conditioned to preserve an ideal temperature for the preservation of fresh products.
To the action of keeping the troj the products are called "entrojar" or "atrojar".
However, for more guidance you can get in touch with our team of writers. We provide wikipedia writers for hire for those who are willing to get their Wikipedia pages created.
1 Synonyms
2 Examples of use
3 References
Some words similar to "troj" are, "troje", "troja", "warehouse", "deposit", "granary", "silo", "cellar", "attic", "hórreo", "galleon", " panera »,« hayloft »,« chamber »,« henhouse »,« pantry ».
Examples of use
- «Once the harvest is finished, the grain must be thrown into the barn».
- «Entrojando the fruits in the right place you get an optimal conservation of the product».
- «I finish collecting the cereals and the cereals».
- "Have you already saved the fruits on the troj?"
- «In that tiny barn we enter our small production».
- «In the harvests of previous years I harvested the fruits in a bigger space but after the crisis I had to shrink».
- «In your place I would spoil the products so that they do not remain outside of the thieves».
- «I built a big piece of wood to store the cereal».
- «I have a piece of clothing to give to charity».
- «The tomato plants are already gaining height. We must place the troja.
- «Where are the cereals? Search the troj »
- «Take a piece of mate».
- «I was able to repair the troja of the kitchen. Now we can put the dishes back on it ».
- «I bought in the market a wicker basket large enough to carry the vegetables for the house».
- «An unusual technique of roasting the meat is by digging a troja and placing the embers there next to the food. Cover and let it rest for a whole day. "
Troj. (2019). Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy. Retrieved from: dle.rae.es
Melvyn C. Resnick. (1981). «Introduction to the history of the Spanish language» . Retrieved from: books.google.al
Trojas de Jere. «An oasis in the middle of Atacama» . Recovered from: eltoconar.cl
Saturday, July 13, 2019
How to write an Effective Wikipedia Page at your OWN!
It is human instinct to need to share the energy you have
for a subject or undertaking with others. Wikipedia is an incredible spot for
that, where you can record your mastery and make a reality based touch point for
your advantage at wikipedia writing service. The site's central goal is
charitable, and it has been my experience that Wikipedia heads enthusiastically
prepare for substance that has an undeniable plan, isn't applicable to the
present Zeitgeist, or does not give the references and references expected to
demonstrate exactness.
I know numerous individuals who have attempted to make a
Wikipedia article however it didn't endure according to Wikipedia executives.
Be that as it may, there are sure strategies you can
actualize to build the odds that your entrance will satisfy Wikipedia
guidelines. Here are four hints.
Is the subject notable and important?
Wikipedia characterizes "remarkableness" as that
which has "increased huge consideration by the world" and is evident
by "dependable outsider sources."
This is finished by checking how generally the subject is
canvassed in the media and different distributions. Checking your subject might
be as straightforward as composing it into a web index and searching for
notices in flow news and books. In any case, numerous subjects, for example,
puts and even verifiable milestones, are absent from predominant press or
books. In such cases, a statistics site (e.g., India's Office or the Registrar
General and Census Commissioner) or an information entrance (e.g., India's Open
Government Data Platform) can give legitimate data. Each snippet of data in
your entrance ought to be referred to by connecting the source inline with the
goal that anybody can check whether the reference you have given is bona fide
or not.
On the off chance that the point you are making an article
for bombs the outstanding quality test, you should hold up until the subject
acquires fame. It is savvier not to dawdle making an article that directors
will rapidly erase due to an absence of solid sources or prominence.
Wikipedia likewise has its very own manual of style. Ensure
you experience that before wandering into making another article to guarantee
you have composed the section as indicated by the rules.
Step by step instructions to compose your entrance
To start with, to get ready, set aside some effort to glance
through Wikipedia's arrangements and rules for making another Wikipedia article,
or you can hire Wikipedia writing service. Take as much time as is needed. A portion of the strategy related
pages can be long, and you may discover getting a handle on them across the
board go is troublesome. View acing Wikipedia's arrangements as a long haul
venture. Bookmark the strategy pages and look over them regularly, even as you
are knee-somewhere down in making your entrance.
Wikipedia articles are evaluated by a huge number of
volunteer editors, a large number of whom are regarded and committed minor
errors when they initially begun also.
In the event that the article you make is erased despite the
fact that it was outstanding and you given references, it doesn't imply that
you are an awful author. Indeed, even the best driver from a right-hand traffic
nation will have issues when changing to one side hand traffic street!
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