Sunday, March 24, 2019

Create a page in Wikipedia

Creating a page on Wikipedia is simple. Discover step by step how to publish your own entry in Wikipedia and share information with the community of Internet users.

Wikipedia is a huge online encyclopedia that serves as a reference to consult any information. You can access your content from any PC with an Internet connection or from your smartphone with the Wikipedia for Android app or Wikipedia for iPhone . This is fine, but it is not the best. The great news is that Wikipedia expands collaboratively .

Any user can contribute their knowledge to Wikipedia, both in content and correcting the spelling or grammar. It becomes, then, a living encyclopedia in continuous evolution. If you are ready to create a Wiki page (or edit an existing one), find out how to do it here.

Before starting
Before launching into the adventure you must know the contents that are likely to be rejected. Advertising, self-promotion or essays or research articles are not allowed . Avoid writing about it and you will save time.

On the other hand, if you want to practice and do editing tests you have a test area from Wikipedia . Here you can use the editor without fear of making mistakes .

Previous step: create your account
It is not mandatory to register to edit Wikipedia content, but it has some advantages such as being able to rename articles, have an own discussion page or be able to keep track of your contributions.

The process is simple. Click on the "Create an account" link in Wikipedia in the upper right part of the window. You only need to provide an email account and choose a username and password.

Create a Wikipedia account
Use the search engine
Before editing a new entry it is necessary to check if it exists. To do this, you will find the search engine in various sites on the Wikipedia website .

Wikipedia search engine
Modify existing content
Do you think that you can contribute something more to an article that already exists in Wikipedia? Ahead! With just pressing " Edit " you will access the editor to be able to make the changes.

Wikipedia editors

Edit existing Wikipedia article
Create a new page in Wikipedia
If there is still no Wikipedia topic, let it be known to the world by creating it yourself. Click on the link on the word "create" that appears in red .

Create new article in Wikipedia
In the editing window you have a small text editor in which the following options are shown from left to right:

Bold font.
Signature and date.
Option to insert images.
Deployable with advanced options to format the text and choose the typeface.
Drop down with special characters.
Help manual.
Appointment tools
Once you have reviewed your article thoroughly you can move on to publish it. Watch out! Once you click on "Save the page", the article will be visible .

Having your own page on Wikipedia, as you have seen, is very simple. But it is recommended that before you create your first article in Wikipedia, you should review the small Wikipedia help manual .

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Five tips for writing science fiction

What does a writer need to know to write a science fiction novel? A question that goes around the head of many authors who are dedicated to this genre.

And writing science fiction is a difficult art, but very grateful. The possibility of inventing new worlds and giving life to strange universes is fascinating.

A few months ago we had the pleasure of collaborating in the Writing Workshop section of the Entreescritores platform . They asked us some advice to write science fiction, advice that we now share with our followers.

1. To write science fiction, read science fiction (but not only)
Starting with the basics, the first advice is to read a lot.

Carlos Fuentes said "You have to love reading to be a good writer, because writing does not start with you".

Therefore, nothing better than to become a voracious reader . It is obvious to recommend the reading of works of science fiction, the better you know the genre, the better you will be what you write. But do not get stuck in reading, try different genres and topics because that will enrich your perspective.

2. Learn science
It's not our advice, Isaac Asimov said : to write science fiction you have to know about science.

Be immersed in scientific readings of an informative nature, such as essays or periodicals, watch documentaries, visit museums and even attend conferences. You must also document well before you start writing.

3. Science fiction is not everything
You may be an expert in robotics or that your imagination when describing mutant or alien beings is worthy of reward. However, that can not be the highlight of your story. This must have an interesting and well developed plot, must pose a conflict that the protagonist struggles to overcome. Without that, no matter how fertile your imagination, you will lose the reader.

Wikipedia writers

4. Take care of the likelihood
Science fiction is not real, but it must be credible.

That is to say, in the history there must not be inconsistencies, understood as incredible elements within the context of fiction that you have plotted to develop the story. For example, if your protagonist travels to the Middle Ages with a time machine, it is impossible for him to find a socket to charge his mobile.

5. Give human qualities to your protagonist
For the same reason that a good plot is necessary, regardless of the fantastic context in which it develops, it is necessary to create characters that have a "human soul", even if it is an extraterrestrial or an artificial intelligence. The reader must be able to identify with the protagonist and for that he has to recognize himself in it.

Do you want more good advice to know how to write science fiction? Leave your email below and you will receive new ideas, resources and techniques every week. Do it now.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

20 Creative Writing Tips

Writing is a way to use language and a way to perform actions to achieve purposes. Creative writing revolves around the word and, therefore, the best way to learn to write is by writing: because writing is a process that begins with the imagination and is consolidated with experience.

20 Creative Writing Tips
20 Creative Writing Tips
Creative writing, persuasive or advertising are some of the names that creative writing receives: an original and effective way of putting words to concepts and ideas. Below we share tips and practices that have their origin in the daily task of every editor who plays with language and explodes ideas in a rain of words.

1. Do not confuse concept and idea
Sometimes definitions are mixed  , but let's be clear: the concept is the what and the idea the how. The concept of something refers to the message (what to say). The idea refers to how to say the message or how to communicate the concept (how to say it). To know how to say it, we must first be clear about what to say.

CREATIVITY AND MANAGEMENT: The good performance of advertising depends on the idea, the development of the concept and the realization.

- Pablo Ross (@pavloross)  July 1, 2013

2. Know the audience
For a message to interpellate its recipient it is important to know who we are talking to. Meet her: ethnographic and demographic characteristics, their cultural practices and their consumption habits, for example. To know the public is to think about their daily life.

Knowing how to listen and meet the audience are the two secrets of communication.

- ComunikarT (@Comunik_art)  April 3, 2014

3. Locate
Sometimes languages ​​are not enough to locate a content through translation or adaptation. Latin American and Hispanic American may seem synonymous, but it is not the same to speak to Hispanics in Latin America as to Hispanics living in the United States or all together. It is not the same to speak to the inhabitants of a country capital as to those who live in a smaller city.

4. Contextualize
Do not take it for granted, put the data and dates in context, give explicit references when necessary.

5. Historicize
Place what you are telling in a timeline: it is not the same to talk about airport security before and after the attack on the Twin Towers, for example.

6. Excite
Connect the message with the emotions of a people: sports, homeland, food, folklore and popular cultures. Interpellate your feelings.

7. If it is brief, twice good
Be brief. The messages, when necessary, should be concise. They should work like a blow to the eye: direct, by surprise and leave you asking "what happened?"

8. Read, read and read
Reading feeds the soul and writing (like all art) is a generous act of surrender. And to write wonderful you must do it with all the passion from the depths of your soul. That's why you better have a good feed inside if you do not want to run out of words.

hire wiki writers

9. Write, write and write
Besides being an art, writing is a trade. And like all trade, it is learned and improved with practice. But be careful, as it is an exercise you have to respect times and have patience. Like when you start running, little by little, at your own pace and listening to your body: hear what it has to tell you. Take daily notes, thoughts, use social networks, feed your blog.

10. Wrong and share
Encourage yourself to make mistakes to learn. Trial and error is part of all practice. Also, do not hesitate and share your texts: it is a generous act that will help you receive feedback to grow, find allies or realize that what you thought was great for you was actually quite boring for others.

11. Be afraid
Not only courage, joy, or being in love serve and motivate you to write. Fear, like all emotion is a motor of writing. Enjoy and take advantage of your sad moments, of lack of love, of fear to produce texts that communicate those emotions.

12. Time and patience
Give yourself time to write. Choose and plan, for example, one afternoon a week to "train" your writing, dedicating time for fiction, poetry or to review your work texts, paraphrase them or rework them. And be patient, with constant training you will see results, so learn to enjoy the process.

13. Imagination
Not yours, your audience's. It is clear that to write you need imagination. Think and review the imaginaries of your recipients to produce messages. Put aside your own, criticize stereotypes and go further: Encourage controversy by stimulating the imagination of the audience.

14. Respect the audience, let them think
In today's world, answers abound and good questions are scarce. So give your audience a place to think and let them think. Do not deliver the conclusions, ask good questions.

15. Keywords, titles and subtitles
This is part of a well-edited text that thinks about its recipients. Use tools such as Google Trends to know what and how your audience is looking for. Use the subtitles to summarize ideas and to recover the concept of the title.

16. Play
Play activities stimulate creativity. So please, have a toy next to your computer and pause while you write to feed your heart playing as a child.

17. Stimulate us
He attends leisure activities such as theater or cinema, but not as a spectator, but with the critical eye of a language worker.

18. Collaborative writing
Find a partner or friend with whom "do therapy" of writing: write fiction or poetry, short stories or a simple exchange of emails telling stories or reviews of their written productions for work.

19. Inspiration, a myth
The inspiration must be put desire and a lot of will. Do not wait until magically the ideas arrive, exercise, play and count your daily experiences adding value, narrating them in another way.

«Google will penalize pages that contain spelling errors»

& mdash; Fundéu BBVA (@Fundeu)  August 14, 2011

20. Respect the rules
It is not the same to say "You are looking for a copywriter, it is useless to present yourself without references" that "You look for a useless editor, to present yourself without references".

For that reason,  to write on the Internet,  train your spelling and syntax, study grammar: to break the  rules , it is necessary to know them.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

10 tips to write well in English

Know these recommendations to improve your level of writing in the English language

Reading and grammar manuals can be your best tools to improve
Reading and grammar manuals can be your best tools to improve
Writing well in English is a matter of work, perseverance and combining this activity with reading.
Follow these tips to improve your level and skill with this language.
A good level of English can improve your employability and facilitate new job opportunities.
Having a good writing in English allows us to open a wide range of options in terms of study and work, and lacking this knowledge can make us lose the opportunity to get the job of our dreams.

The Finnish blogger Jarkko Lainese faced many difficulties for not having English as his mother tongue, for this reason he decided to create this list that can be of great help.

10 tips for those who want to improve their English
Here are these tips that will help you:

1. Read in English
To achieve a substantial improvement in writing in English, it is essential to have a reading habit, so new publications should be understood as new sources of knowledge and practice opportunities.

Through them you can learn new words, new ways of making sentences, and most importantly: you can find new ideas to write.

With reading, the language will become increasingly familiar, even allowing you to start thinking in English.

The best way to start on the road of English reading  is choosing a non-fiction book, where through familiar topics, it will be easier to try to understand what the author is trying to say.

It is important to have the dictionary as a last option, trying to understand the meaning of the words in relation to the context.

Suggested e-books to start:

1. The Medici Effect by Frans Johansson
2. Make a Name for Yourself by Scott Ginsberg
3. Why's Poignant Guide To Ruby

2. Listen to native speakers
One of the virtues of blogs is that you can write as you speak, but if you do not have the habit of speaking daily in English, this suggestion will not be easy to implement.

In that case, one of the most useful tips is to watch videos of native speakers . Not only will you learn to use language, but also to capture the public's attention.

These are the suggested videos:
1. Randy Pausch on Time Management
2. Steve Jobs talks to Stanford students
3. Scott Ginsberg, "that guy with the nametag" , tells you how to be more approachable at NametagTV.

3. When you write in English, think in English
It is probably the most complex of the process, but it is transcendental that you learn to think in English , since the translation of your thoughts can lead to unclear and natural concepts.

Put yourself in the place of an English writer throughout the writing process.

4. Practice writing in English as much as you can
The best recipe to learn to write in both English and Spanish is just to write: to put into practice everything you have learned . The exercise writing  is highly effective.

Another aspect that can not be ignored is the habit of writing, when you start with the blog, make the effort to be constant.

In the same way, it is essential to practice writing in different styles ; try writing humor headlines, interviews or even texts that have nothing to do with the blog.

5. Trust your criteria
The constant contact with the language will lead to the learning of words and expressions, which can then be included in the texts that we elaborate.

At first you may not know how that language came to your mind and what is its true meaning, but with the passage of time it will be easy to be sure of what is right and what is not.

It is suggested to write with freedom in a first draft and then make a check.

Wiki writers

6. Check
Before finalizing a writing exercise, it is essential to make a correction of what is written: check the grammar, typographical errors and the use of language, and identify sentences that are not convincing. Manage the option to let the text rest and correct it at another time.

The best way to correct it is through Google's spell-checkers, Mozilla Firefox and Wordpress.

With regard to grammar , it is best to check it in Microsoft Word or through an online tool and then continue to do it manually (it can be with the help of a list of common errors in grammar).

7. Have friends who speak English and can correct your mistakes
The best way to get a vocabulary similar to that of native English is to have direct contact with them.

If you have English speaking friends, take advantage of all the time you can share with them; In this way you will learn informal expressions and jokes, which will sound more natural than those that could be learned from a book.

8. Study grammar and spelling
The books you used when you were younger and you thought you would not use it, will be your main source of knowledge again .

It may also be a good idea to start an English course related to creative writing , which will gradually bring you closer to your final goal .

Currently, the reach of the web, allows to find different materials to develop writing, but in a more dynamic way.

Probably these pages can be interesting:
1. Visual thesaurus
2. 40+ Tips to Improve your Grammar and Punctuation
4. The Economist Style Guide

9. Commas and separation of syllables
Both the use of commas and the separation of syllables are complex, but necessary tasks. For this reason, the greater the practice, the better the results will be.

Fortunately, in blogs, the separation of syllables is not mandatory, so it is better not to do it, instead of making mistakes.

Regarding the use of commas and punctuation , it is suggested to study more about the subject. Tips on Using Commas at Dumb Little Many Top 4 Guidelines for Using Commas Effectively at are suggested as ideal articles to delve into the subject.

10. Relax
Last but not least, relax is the best advice for those interested in learning to write in another language.

Keep in mind that an extremely important effort must be made to progress and that the results are not immediate, but that sooner or later they will arrive .

Another important part of the training will be carried out throughout the existence of the blog; Do not forget that perfection does not exist and that a large part of your readers may not be native English, so they will not notice small mistakes.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Where to start: Creative Writing

I have not done any writing before. It's almost the first time I write. What is the best course to start?
Writing is a trade that can be learned. If you want to write, you can, but first you must know the techniques of a trade as old as man: that of a storyteller. Because a story can take many forms: that of a story or a novel, yes, but also that of a conference, an advertisement or a biography.
The Creative Writing Itinerary is the workshop that we recommend to all the people who come to the School for the first time. The agenda of these courses has been prepared by Enrique Páez , one of the pioneers of the teaching of Creative Writing in Spain. Enrique knows that the first step in writing a story is ... start writing . Overcome the fears associated with creation, free the imagination and know the techniques that will allow you to express your talent (the characters, the construction of the scene, the visibility, the narrator, the time ...) are the objectives of this course. With your writing unleashed and the mastery of narrative techniques, the time will come to manipulate and transcend them.
The Creative Writing course consists of three courses of three months each ( The unbound script , We write without stopping and Unlock your writing ) that you can perform in the order you want throughout the academic year.
Well ... I have written before. I have been writing for many years, but I have not been to any school, workshop or course ... Why should I start?
The answer is the same: if this is your case, the most appropriate course is still Creative Writing .
Learning the craft of writing is not a matter of a day, not even a few months or years: it is a long career that requires patient development. During the last ten years, thousands of students from all over the world have discovered their passion for writing.

Where and how it is taught
The Creative Writing course is taught in all our venues: both through the Internet (in our virtual campus), and at the main office in Madrid (Covarrubias 1, Alonso Martínez area) and the different venues in Madrid (Pozuelo, Alcalá de Henares, Montecarmelo and Getafe) and, also, in other cities (Zaragoza and Burgos).
You will see that it is divided into three programs: The unleashed script , We write without stopping and Unlock your writing . You can start with the one that is most attractive to you because they are interchangeable.

Wikipedia page creator

Importance of reading - Read books

Only 4 out of 10 parents read a book to their children before going to bed. Maybe it's because he does not know how important reading is for a child. It takes 10 minutes a day for the child to establish correct reading patterns and according to the rest of the class. On the other hand, children without reading habits can drag them into school and start to fail and to stand out negatively about their classmates.
The benefits of reading are many. Children get used to knowing new stories, they learn new words, they express themselves better, they write better, they tend to look for what they do not know on their own, in short, they grow spiritually and they are people with better possibilities.
Apart from the development of language, reading makes it possible to learn the rest of school subjects. They can learn the pleasure of sitting down to read and enjoy a novel or an adventure story.
Reading has the following advantages:
- Help to develop language, oral and written expression, increase vocabulary and improve spelling
- Improves human relationships when talking about books, because when it comes to reading one usually do it alone.

- Help to reflect in a more logical way.
- Increase the personal culture of the person reading. Reading we know more world and we open horizons to new cultures, which makes us more tolerant before others and more just before injustice.
- Reading stimulates curiosity
- Reading awakens hobbies and interests.
- Reading encourages concentration.

- Through reading we learn from the mistakes of the protagonists, we understand the world better and it is as if we lived different lives without leaving home. We gain experience.
- Reading makes us more free to judge and decide for ourselves.
- Reading relaxes the spirit.
There is a famous phrase that is usually attributed to all those people who read and says "If you see a person reading a book, do not be afraid, it sure is a good person"

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