Creating a page on Wikipedia is simple. Discover step by step how to publish your own entry in Wikipedia and share information with the community of Internet users.
Wikipedia is a huge online encyclopedia that serves as a reference to consult any information. You can access your content from any PC with an Internet connection or from your smartphone with the Wikipedia for Android app or Wikipedia for iPhone . This is fine, but it is not the best. The great news is that Wikipedia expands collaboratively .
Any user can contribute their knowledge to Wikipedia, both in content and correcting the spelling or grammar. It becomes, then, a living encyclopedia in continuous evolution. If you are ready to create a Wiki page (or edit an existing one), find out how to do it here.
Before starting
Before launching into the adventure you must know the contents that are likely to be rejected. Advertising, self-promotion or essays or research articles are not allowed . Avoid writing about it and you will save time.
On the other hand, if you want to practice and do editing tests you have a test area from Wikipedia . Here you can use the editor without fear of making mistakes .
Previous step: create your account
It is not mandatory to register to edit Wikipedia content, but it has some advantages such as being able to rename articles, have an own discussion page or be able to keep track of your contributions.
The process is simple. Click on the "Create an account" link in Wikipedia in the upper right part of the window. You only need to provide an email account and choose a username and password.
Create a Wikipedia account
Use the search engine
Before editing a new entry it is necessary to check if it exists. To do this, you will find the search engine in various sites on the Wikipedia website .
Wikipedia search engine
Modify existing content
Do you think that you can contribute something more to an article that already exists in Wikipedia? Ahead! With just pressing " Edit " you will access the editor to be able to make the changes.
Wikipedia editors
Edit existing Wikipedia article
Create a new page in Wikipedia
If there is still no Wikipedia topic, let it be known to the world by creating it yourself. Click on the link on the word "create" that appears in red .
Create new article in Wikipedia
In the editing window you have a small text editor in which the following options are shown from left to right:
Bold font.
Signature and date.
Option to insert images.
Deployable with advanced options to format the text and choose the typeface.
Drop down with special characters.
Help manual.
Appointment tools
Once you have reviewed your article thoroughly you can move on to publish it. Watch out! Once you click on "Save the page", the article will be visible .
Having your own page on Wikipedia, as you have seen, is very simple. But it is recommended that before you create your first article in Wikipedia, you should review the small Wikipedia help manual .
Only 4 out of 10 parents read a book to their children before going to bed. Maybe it's because he does not know how important reading is for a child. It takes 10 minutes a day for the child to establish correct reading patterns and according to the rest of the class. On the other hand, children without reading habits can drag them into school and start to fail and to stand out negatively about their classmates.
The benefits of reading are many. Children get used to knowing new stories, they learn new words, they express themselves better, they write better, they tend to look for what they do not know on their own, in short, they grow spiritually and they are people with better possibilities.
Apart from the development of language, reading makes it possible to learn the rest of school subjects. They can learn the pleasure of sitting down to read and enjoy a novel or an adventure story.
Reading has the following advantages:
- Help to develop language, oral and written expression, increase vocabulary and improve spelling
- Improves human relationships when talking about books, because when it comes to reading one usually do it alone.
- Help to reflect in a more logical way.
- Increase the personal culture of the person reading. Reading we know more world and we open horizons to new cultures, which makes us more tolerant before others and more just before injustice.
- Reading stimulates curiosity
- Reading awakens hobbies and interests.
- Reading encourages concentration.
- Through reading we learn from the mistakes of the protagonists, we understand the world better and it is as if we lived different lives without leaving home. We gain experience.
- Reading makes us more free to judge and decide for ourselves.
- Reading relaxes the spirit.
There is a famous phrase that is usually attributed to all those people who read and says "If you see a person reading a book, do not be afraid, it sure is a good person"
Pro Wiki Creators
Pro Wiki Creators