Thursday, March 14, 2019

Five tips for writing science fiction

What does a writer need to know to write a science fiction novel? A question that goes around the head of many authors who are dedicated to this genre.

And writing science fiction is a difficult art, but very grateful. The possibility of inventing new worlds and giving life to strange universes is fascinating.

A few months ago we had the pleasure of collaborating in the Writing Workshop section of the Entreescritores platform . They asked us some advice to write science fiction, advice that we now share with our followers.

1. To write science fiction, read science fiction (but not only)
Starting with the basics, the first advice is to read a lot.

Carlos Fuentes said "You have to love reading to be a good writer, because writing does not start with you".

Therefore, nothing better than to become a voracious reader . It is obvious to recommend the reading of works of science fiction, the better you know the genre, the better you will be what you write. But do not get stuck in reading, try different genres and topics because that will enrich your perspective.

2. Learn science
It's not our advice, Isaac Asimov said : to write science fiction you have to know about science.

Be immersed in scientific readings of an informative nature, such as essays or periodicals, watch documentaries, visit museums and even attend conferences. You must also document well before you start writing.

3. Science fiction is not everything
You may be an expert in robotics or that your imagination when describing mutant or alien beings is worthy of reward. However, that can not be the highlight of your story. This must have an interesting and well developed plot, must pose a conflict that the protagonist struggles to overcome. Without that, no matter how fertile your imagination, you will lose the reader.

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4. Take care of the likelihood
Science fiction is not real, but it must be credible.

That is to say, in the history there must not be inconsistencies, understood as incredible elements within the context of fiction that you have plotted to develop the story. For example, if your protagonist travels to the Middle Ages with a time machine, it is impossible for him to find a socket to charge his mobile.

5. Give human qualities to your protagonist
For the same reason that a good plot is necessary, regardless of the fantastic context in which it develops, it is necessary to create characters that have a "human soul", even if it is an extraterrestrial or an artificial intelligence. The reader must be able to identify with the protagonist and for that he has to recognize himself in it.

Do you want more good advice to know how to write science fiction? Leave your email below and you will receive new ideas, resources and techniques every week. Do it now.

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